Please find the poem, “On a Scale of 1 -10” online at SWWIM, published in August. It is one of the poems in my soon to be published poetry and visual art book dealing with autoimmune diseases called, The Body Lives Its Undoing.
Other poems included in the book, are forthcoming in the Michigan Quarterly Review and the Canadian Medical Association Journal. “Sick Girl in the Wilderness” was published online by Isacoustic in July.
( above- beta cell circus, by Shelley Lowenstein)
(man, by Anna Hooser)
The book, published in conjunction with The Benaroya Research Institute (BRI) has been almost 2 years in the making. The visual art is stunning, with contributions by Julie Trout, Anna Hooser, Shelley Lowenstein, and others, some of whom are scientists that work at BRI.
(art at right by Julie Trout)
Shelley lowenstein says
So exciting
Can’t wait to see and read the finished product