My book is available from the following bookstores. Please shop local if possible or order online from an independent bookstore:
Eagle Harbor Books–June 30, 2022–7 pm–in person. Please register for the reading at Eagle Harbor Books.
Langley Library, Langley, WA–Friday, July 8th–6:30 pm ( with Julia Levine authors of Ordinary Psalms)
It’s About Time Reading Series–Thursday, July 14th–6 pm (online–register through Seattle Public Library events page)
Elliott Bay Bookstore–Thursday, Sept. 8th–7 pm (with Cindy Veach, author of Her Kind)–in person
Hugo House–Wednesday, November 9th–7 pm (in conversation & reading with Kristen Millares Young)–in person
MoonPath Press reading with Alice Derry–Sunday, November 13th @ 3 pm Pacific–online